An election for Midnights Chief Steward was held on December 17, 2015.
Congratulations to Keith Barnier. He is the Cheif Steward for Midnitghts.
Posted 12/23/2015
An election for Midnights Chief Steward willl be held on December 17, 2015 at 6:45AM in central ops (where you clock in and out). The election will close at 7:15AM. This election will only be for the Unit 2 (maintenance/custodial) members that are on the midnight shift.
The members running for the position are
Keith Barnier
Steve Borders
Mike Harrell
Posted 12/9/2015
The local president position went to Jason Crispell
The executive board member positions went to
Teresa Drouillard
Terri Shafer
Jacob Wilkerson
Kellie Wilson
The December meeting was held and nominations for Chief Steward were taken. The result is that we will be holding an election for Midnights Chief Steward on December 17, 2015. This election will only be for the members that are on the midnight shift.
Posted 12/2/2015
When: December 1, 2015 6:30 am - 4:00 pm
Where: Union Office (loading dock of DC1)
Voting for President and Executive Board Members
Posted 11/13/2015
Nominations were taken and the election will be held on December 1 in the Union Office for President and Executive Broad members.
The following members are running unopposed and will assume these positions at the December 1 membership meeting.
Vice President - Nick Graham
Secretary Treasurer - Steve Mosier
Recording Secretary - Cheryl Gregg
Sergeant-at-Arms - Robert Dawson
Nominations for president, vice-president, recording secretary, treasurer, sergeant-at-arms and 3 executive board seats will be taken from the floor at the November Membership Meeting on November 3, 2015. There will also be nominations for vacant executive board seats. Nominations for these positions will be taken from the floor at the November membership meeting with the election to be held in December.
Posted 10/13/2015
The union has asked for management to allow all members to attend. Please talk with your supervisor for permission to attend.
Nominations for president, vice-president, recording secretary, treasurer, sergeant-at-arms and 3 executive board seats will be taken from the floor at the November Membership Meeting on November 3, 2015. There will also be nominations for vacant executive board seats. Nominations for these positions will be taken from the floor at the November membership meeting with the election to be held in December.
Posted 10/13/2015
When bidding on Jobs please remember that you must receive a confirmation email of your bid. If you do not receive a confirmation email you can call HR to confirm if your bid was accepted or not. It is important that this is done before the closing of the job posting.
Also be careful when answering qualifying questions. These can disqualify you. If you do make a mistake contact HR, before the close of the position, for correction.
The link below contains helpful information on apply (bidding) for positions.
The following two links are for a training guide and an online video tutorial.
Hi All,
In order to receive a payout of 50% of your accrued sick leave hours at retirement you must be retired before July 3, 2015 and that date is coming up fast. If you have questions contact a union representative right away. *Also be advised that you may contact and schedule an appointment with the Benefits Office in HR at (734) 487-3195 if you are considering retirement.
Click on the image to see more photos
It is that time of year again to exercise a provision in the Sick Leave Article to receive a 24 hour payout of your sick time if you have not used more than 80 hours in this fiscal year (July 1 -June 30). You must let your supervisor know and it would be best to have it in an email that you are requesting your 24 hour sick leave payout.
Contract Language in Article 12 - Sick Leave (Section 12.05, pg22 of the 2011 contract)
"Employees with at least twelve (12) months of continuous service, who during the fiscal year use no more that eighty (80) Sick Leave hours, shall, at his/her option, receive a cash payout of twenty –four (24) Sick Leave hours, payable in July of the following year."
Visit the Documents and Links page. A new section was recently added there for Memorandum of Understandings
Here is a slide presentation with important information about your Union representation rights